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Welcome to the March issue of Our Keys and welcome to the residents of Sugarloaf!  This month we have expanded up the Keys to include an additional 600 households. That means the post office is delivering a total of 13,200 issues of Our Keys directly to mailboxes from Key West all the way to Sugarloaf!

There is a lot going on in March.  Daylight savings time begins on March 8th so remember to “spring” your clocks ahead one hour. Spring arrives on March 20th but I’m guessing we will start to see some Spring Breakers well before that so start preparing now for all those scooter horns!  St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th.

Take a look inside the March issue to see where the celebrations are taking place that day.  We may have lost Finnegan’s Wake but we still have Shanna Key and McConnell’s and they both have festivities planned for the 17th.  We’ve got a couple of featured businesses this month, Key Accents on page 23 and McConnell’s on page 27.  We have also added a new section called Dining and Drinking on pages 15 through 17 to help you plan a fun night out. Whatever you may do have a great month and we’ll see you in April.